This is the complete list of members for Bsp, including all inherited members.
add_list(vector< surface_t * > &surface_list, bool blend_flag, int i) | Bsp | private |
anim_list | Bsp | |
blend_list | Bsp | |
Bsp() | Bsp | |
CalculateTangentArray(bspvertex_t *vertex, int num_vert, int *index, int num_index, vec4 *tangent) | Bsp | |
change_axis() | Bsp | private |
check_brush(brush_t *brush, vec3 &start, vec3 &end) | Bsp | |
check_node(int node_index, float start_amount, float end_amount, vec3 &start, vec3 &end) | Bsp | |
cluster_visible(int visCluster, int testCluster) | Bsp | inlineprivate |
collision | Bsp | |
collision_detect(vec3 &point, vec3 &oldpoint, plane_t *plane, float *depth, float &water_depth, vector< surface_t * > &surface_list, bool debug, vec3 &clip, const vec3 &velocity, int &model_trigger, int &model_platform, content_flag_t &flag) | Bsp | |
collision_normal | Bsp | |
CreateShadowVolumes(Graphics &gfx, vec3 &light_pos, int current_light, vertex_t *shadow_vertex, unsigned int *shadow_index, int &num_index) | Bsp | |
CreateTangentArray(vertex_t *vertex, bspvertex_t *bsp_vertex, int num_vert, vec4 *tangent) | Bsp | |
data | Bsp | |
enable_blend | Bsp | |
enable_fog | Bsp | |
enable_normalmap | Bsp | |
enable_patch | Bsp | |
enable_shader | Bsp | |
enable_sky | Bsp | |
enable_textures | Bsp | |
face_list | Bsp | |
face_to_patch | Bsp | |
find_leaf(const vec3 &position) | Bsp | inlineprivate |
gen_renderlists(int leaf, vector< surface_t * > &surface_list, vec3 &position) | Bsp | private |
generate_meshes(Graphics &gfx) | Bsp | |
get_entities() | Bsp | |
hitscan(vec3 &origin, vec3 &dir, float &distance) | Bsp | |
is_point_in_brush(int brush_index, vec3 &point, vec3 &oldpoint, float *depth, plane_t *plane, content_flag_t &flag, float &water_depth, bool debug) | Bsp | |
lastIndex | Bsp | |
leaf_list | Bsp | |
leaf_test(vec3 &x, vec3 &y) | Bsp | |
lightmap_object | Bsp | private |
load(char *map, char **pk3list, int num_pk3) | Bsp | |
load_from_file(char *filename, texture_t &texObj, Graphics &gfx, char **pk3_list, int num_pk3, int anisotropic) | Bsp | |
load_from_shader(char *name, vector< surface_t * > &surface_list, texture_t *texObj, Graphics &gfx, char **pk3_list, int num_pk3, int anisotropic) | Bsp | |
load_textures(Graphics &gfx, vector< surface_t * > &surface_list, char **pk3_list, int num_pk3, int anisotropic) | Bsp | |
loaded | Bsp | |
map_index_vbo | Bsp | private |
map_name | Bsp | |
map_vertex | Bsp | private |
map_vertex_vbo | Bsp | private |
max_stage | Bsp | |
mesh_level | Bsp | private |
model_offset | Bsp | |
model_origin(unsigned int index) | Bsp | |
model_rot | Bsp | |
model_type | Bsp | |
model_vel | Bsp | |
normal_object | Bsp | private |
num_meshes | Bsp | private |
on_ground | Bsp | |
patchdata | Bsp | private |
portal_tex | Bsp | |
quake1 | Bsp | |
render(vec3 &position, Graphics &gfx, vector< surface_t * > &surface_list, mLight2 &mlight2, int tick_num) | Bsp | |
render_billboard(face_t *face, Graphics &gfx, int stage, bool lightmap, bool shader) | Bsp | inlineprivate |
render_face(face_t *face, Graphics &gfx, int stage, bool lightmap, bool shader) | Bsp | inlineprivate |
render_model(unsigned int index, Graphics &gfx) | Bsp | |
render_patch(face_t *face, Graphics &gfx, int stage, bool lightmap, bool shader) | Bsp | inlineprivate |
render_sky(Graphics &gfx, mLight2 &mlight2, int tick_num, vector< surface_t * > surface_list) | Bsp | |
selected_map | Bsp | private |
set_blend_mode(Graphics &gfx, faceinfo_t &face) | Bsp | private |
set_tcmod(mLight2 &mlight2, faceinfo_t &face, int tick_num, float time) | Bsp | private |
sky_face | Bsp | private |
skybox_ibo | Bsp | |
skybox_index | Bsp | |
skybox_vbo | Bsp | |
skybox_vertex | Bsp | |
sort_leaf(vector< int > *leaf_list, int node_index, const vec3 &position, leaf_t *frameLeaf, bool order) | Bsp | private |
tangent | Bsp | private |
tBsp | Bsp | private |
tessellate(int level, bspvertex_t control[], vertex_t **vertex_array, int &numVerts, int **index_array, int &numIndexes, vec2 &texcoord, vec2 &lightcoord, vec2 &size) | Bsp | private |
tex_object | Bsp | |
trace(vec3 &start, vec3 &end, vec3 &normal) | Bsp | |
trace_result | Bsp | |
unload(Graphics &gfx) | Bsp | |
vis_test(vec3 &x, vec3 &y, int &leaf_a, int &leaf_b) | Bsp |